Agape Ranch participates in recognizing National Foster Care Awareness Month each May to raise awareness for the needs of loving foster families in our community, as well as provide opportunities to serve vulnerable children in foster care.
Learn more below for ways that you can engage and make an impact in the life of a child right here in the Coastal Bend!
See how Agape Ranch is partnering with community all month long! Follow us on social media.

Learn ways that you can make an impact in the life of a foster child in our community by volunteering in the month of May!
May 3 - Agape Connection
Agape Connection serves adoption-ready children and prospective adoptive families through a carnival style annual state-wide adoption match event. Volunteers will support games and activities for children and families to connect with the goal of forming forever families.
Our 2025 event will take place between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. in Portland, TX.
Volunteers over the age of 18 are invited to inquire about volunteer opportunities by emailing Christina Jinsky HERE.
May 17 - Foster Parent Day Out
Foster Parent Night Out is a free program that gives current foster parents a short break from the day-to-day challenges that arise when raising foster children. This event welcomes parents to register their foster children, adopted children, and biological children.
Register to volunteer at
May 17 - Bed Build
By volunteering at Agape Ranch's Bed Build, you'll be helping provide twin beds to vulnerable children, giving them the proper physical, emotional, and mental support they need to thrive. Every bed built helps keep children out of foster care by providing a safe and stable place to sleep .
Register to volunteer at
Become a Respite Care Provider
Agape Ranch partners with the Department of Family and Protective Services and local Child Placing Agencies (CPAs) to help families avoid burnout by providing support. Our team facilitates bi-annual training to certify individuals to become childcare providers, known as Respite Care Providers. To register to attend the next training on visit
Become a Licensed Foster Family
Agape Ranch partners with Local child Placing Agencies to license families to foster/adopt. If you are interested in learning more about how to become a licensed foster home, learn more HERE.
Learn ways that you can make an impact in the life of a foster child in our community by supporting events in the month of May!
May 1-31 Sleeves of Support
Beginning May 1 through May 31, the “Sleeves of Support” campaign will feature collaborative coffee cup sleeves and table tents to raise awareness in the community. Learn more HERE.
May 6 City Hall Proclamation Reading
On Tuesday, May 6, join us for a proclamation reading at 10:45 a.m. at Corpus Christi City Hall (1201 Leopard St, Corpus Christi, TX 78401).
May 8 Nueces County Proclamation Reading
On Wednesday, May 8, join us for a proclamation reading at 8:45 a.m. at the Nueces County Courthouse (901 Leopard St, Corpus Christi, TX 78401).
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Never miss an opportunity to serve vulnerable children in foster care through Agape Ranch.
If you are unable to serve through one of our programs, but still want to leave a legacy for the foster children, we invite you to donate by clicking on the DONATE button below.