The Thrive Program works directly with youth ages 16-23 that have or will age out of the foster care system. The youth are paired with a Thrive Coach who will help navigate the challenging stages of life an “aged out youth” may encounter.
What is an aged-out youth?
After turning 18, a majority of young adults, who were under the care of Child Protective Services, will transition out of the system.

Highlights from our Thrive Program.
Thrive Coach

What is a Thrive Coach?
A reliable and trustworthy adult, over the age of 25, that will be a support system for the aged-out youth.
How do I become a Thrive Coach?
Contact Our Team to begin the process. Requirements include
Approved Application
Coach Training
A 1:1 interview
Extensive background check
Reference checks
What is the time commitment of a Thrive Coach?
A 1-year commitment
4-6 hours per month spent with the young adult
Attend Agape Events to support youth engagement